Pastor Sardick Sikapoko
Tanzania National Trainer
Pastor Sardick attended the Face to Faith Ministry Leadership Training in August 2013. He was invited to join F2F in Sept 2013. As a church planter he recognized the value of Faith. After his selection, he has conducted an evangelism conference every month. One of his students (Timothy’s) has gone to a remote village and planted another church just a couple months after joining F2F. We love the fiery passion he has to teach and train Timothy’s and plant more churches.
He received Jesus as Savior and Lord in 1995, and became involved in Evangelism in his Local church. In 2001 he attended a 6 months Certificate Course in Missions at Tanzania school of Missions, in 2006, he received a Diploma from International School of Missions attended in Nairobi.
Pastor Sardick has an unquenchable passion for teaching the word of God. Uncovering God’s word sharing that with other pastors throughout.
The first 6 months of 2017 his students planted 67 churches, AWESOME.
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Perhaps you have interest in volunteering with us or even traveling to a faraway place like Tanzania to help spread the gospel to wonderful people who need to know about Jesus Christ. Contact us to volunteer, go on a trip or to support us with your prayers and financial assistance. Thank you very much.