Making disciples of Jesus Christ by engaging indigenous Pastors around the world


Pastor Philip Wabwire Opemi

Botswana National Trainer

Pastor Philip Wabwire OpemiOrdained August -1989 By Gospel Outreach Ministry Nairobi, Kenya. Pastor Opemi served as a missionary pastor in different parts of his home country namely: Machakos, Mombasa and Nairobi. During that time, he planted four new churches. Moved to Francistown, Botswana in 2001. Planted 2 churches, met and married his wife Tebogo in Nov 2009. They have been blessed with a five years old daughter Neema.

Pastor Philip has served God in a long and distinguished missionary ministry. Pastor Opemi studied for the ministry at Hebron Bible College, in Rynfield, South Africa. He received his Certificate in Theology from Global University and received his advanced diploma in Bible/Theology.

Pastor Philip was trained in Faith Evangelism in 2011. His church grew fast and caught the eye of church leadership. He was promoted and appointed as the pastor of Francistown branch June 2013.

The first 6 months of 2017 Pastor Philip’s training lead 990 people to the Lord and 146 to re-dedicate their life’s back to Jesus.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec enim nisl, eleifend non consectetur eu, ornare vitae nulla. Fusce dictum sagittis augue a malesuada. Etiam et rhoncus ex, sit amet efficitur metus. Nullam dolor metus, luctus sed molestie feugiat, eleifend pellentesque leo. Praesent vel dolor quis eros ultrices auctor nec ac massa. Integer erat nulla, convallis non pharetra vitae, dapibus eget nulla. Phasellus vehicula eu purus eget aliquet. Donec dignissim tincidunt nibh, tempor auctor velit tempor sit amet. Donec congue


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